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How to Download and Install Figma for free?

How to Download and Install Figma for free?

In this article we'll show you how to download and install Figma for free on Mac, Windows and Linux.

Pierluigi Giglio
September 25, 2023

Figma is a popular design tool developed by an American software company that has recently been bought by Adobe.

It is available in both a web-based app and a desktop app for macOS, Windows, and Linux, and in this article we'll explain how you can download and install Figma for free.


How to Download Figma on Mac?



Figma's desktop app for Mac can be downloaded and installed for free, making it easily accessible to Mac users.

With the desktop app, you can access and manage your Figma files and projects directly on your Mac, making it easier to organize and store your design work locally.


To download Figma, launch your web browser, such as Safari. In the search bar of your browser, type "Figma download" and press Enter.

On the Figma download page, you will see an option to download the "Desktop App for macOS". Click on this option to start the download.

Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file, usually in your Downloads folder.

After opening the downloaded file, you may see the Figma application icon. To install Figma, simply drag and drop this icon into your "Applications" folder.

This will copy the Figma application to your Mac's Application folder. Double-click on the downloaded Figma file to open it. Upon opening Figma, it will ask you to log in.

Use your web browser to log in to your Figma account.


You're now ready to use Figma on your macOS computer.


How to Download Figma on Windows?



To download Figma for  Windows, all you need to do is to go on your browser, for example Google Chrome and search for “Figma download” and press Enter.

Click on the first link that appears in the search results. This link will take you to the official Figma download page.

On the Figma download page, you will see an option to download the "Desktop App for Windows". Click on this option to start the download.

Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file, usually in your Downloads folder, double-click on the Figma icon and the file it’s going to install itself.

After installing, open the app and you can log in using an existing account or you can create a new one.


How to Download Figma on Linux?



The sole drawback of Figma is its exclusive desktop application designed for Windows and Mac operating systems.

However, Linux and its distributions lack a native desktop application. Nevertheless, there are workarounds to install the application on your Linux-based system.

We will explore the process of installing Figma on a Linux system, outlining various methods to accomplish this goal.


Figma Through Snap Package.


In each of the methods we'll be covering today, we will essentially be installing an unofficial open-source Figma package known as "Figma-Client," which is available on GitHub.


Our initial method involves installing Figma through Snap packages, which are accessible on Linux. To proceed with this approach, it's important to ensure that you have the "Snap Store" installed on your system.


Once you've successfully installed the Snap Store, you can proceed to install Figma using the following command.

However, it's crucial to update your system repositories beforehand by running the following commands in your terminal.


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo snap install Figma


You can now install Figma using Snap:


$ sudo In -s




Figma Using AppImage


AppImage is another package distribution system akin to Snap packages.

What sets AppImage apart is that it eliminates the need for installing a separate application store to download Figma.

You can find the Figma AppImage on the Figma-Linux GitHub release page.


Upon downloading the AppImage, execute the following code in your terminal:


$ chmod +x figma-linux-version.AppImage

$ sudo ./figma-linux-version.AppImage -i


The version referenced in these commands should match the version of the AppImage you downloaded.


Is Figma free?


Figma is a versatile and robust tool for crafting digital designs. It offers free access, with the development team continually enhancing the software.

Nevertheless, certain premium features may necessitate a paid membership.

However, there is a limitation where you can have a maximum of three projects concurrently on your account.

For professional designers or team members, investing in the Pro subscription is certainly worthwhile. It grants you access to a comprehensive set of features and options necessary for producing top-notch designs.


If you would like to learn more about Figma, feel free to explore our recent articles.


Pierluigi Giglio

Sr. UI/UX Designer and Consultant with over 10+ years of experience working with Fortune 500, large enterprises and funded startups. Having worked on hundreds upon hundreds of design projects, collaborated with 40+ clients from all around the world and taught design to thousands of students I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to give back to the design community and help other become better designers.

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